This Website is used to communicate information to existing and prospective lenders and noteholders in connection with the reporting requirements under our principal financing arrangements. This website may not be used for any other purpose. By applying for log in details and accessing this website, you confirm and agree that you continue to satisfy the foregoing eligibility requirements.

Apply for log in details

Fill out the form below to register your account. After approval, you will be granted access to the secured part of our Investor Portal, which can be accessed here.

Information captured in this form will be used to determine whether you will be granted access to the restricted area. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which sets out what personal data we process about you, for what purpose, on what legal basis, with whom we will share your personal data and your rights to such data, amongst others. It is important that you read our Privacy Policy carefully, which can be accessed here.

Registration request

  1. Analyst
    Potential Noteholder
    Existing Lender
    Potential Lender
  2. I accept the terms and conditions
  3. Please do not click multiple times.
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If you have any questions, please contact us here:

Frank Seiler

Vice President Corporate Treasury STADA Arzneimittel AG
T: +49 6101 603-4476
Kay Reubelt

Director Investor Relations STADA Arzneimittel AG
T: +49 6101 603-5984